
**Start from $60

Express - Exterior Detail service is offered to Customers who have recently cleaned the interior of their vehicle and only need the exterior cleaned. During an Express Wash, each vehicle is hosed down and given a foam cannon pre-wash soak. Next, after another rinse down, the car is hand washed with a synthetic wool wash mitt and environmentally safe car wash soap made by Chemical Guys (Mr. Pink). After the final rinse the vehicle is dried with soft microfiber towels. Additionally, the wheels are cleaned and the tires receive shining treatment.


**Starting From $125

Interior Detail service is offered to Customers who have recently cleaned the exterior of their vehicle and only need the interior cleaned. During an Interior Wash, we clean door jambs, seats and interior surfaces deep cleaned and coated with protectant, shampoo and fully vacuumed, streak-free window cleaning and center console cleaned and polished. This package is catered for Auto Dealers and Dealerships, Fleet companies and Shuttle vehicles that may require deep interior cleaning.


Important Notice Regarding COVID-19


We offer an Interior Sanitization add-on for automobiles at an (additional rate $50). The health of our clients, employees, and the greater community is paramount.


** Starting from $125

The Silver Detail package is our most popular detail package, that also offers an excellent value for the cost. As our entry- level package it offers an exterior hand wash and dry, deep wheel cleaning—including tires, rims and wells, door jambs, seats and interior surfaces cleaned and coated with protectant, interior fully vacuumed, streak-free window cleaning and center console cleaned and polished.


** Starting from $175

The Gold Detail package includes all the processes from the Silver Detail plus more, including — shampooing of carpet and cloth seats, steam cleaning of interior, clay bar treatment to remove particles that stick onto the vehicle's paint surface, and a buffer wax application applied to the paint to protect and restore shine. This detail includes greater time spent on cabin and body surfaces, as well as the application of additional cleaning products.


**Starting from $250

The Platinum Detail service includes all of the features of the Silver and Gold Detail plus more, including — light stain and pet hair removal, paint sealant application. for shine and protection. Included in the Platinum detail, each vehicle a complementary Covid-19 Interior sanitation (Valued at $50). We guarantee you will leave as a satisfied customer with your vehicle being fully sanitized and protected.